Our classroom was full of love this Valentine’s Day! Our administrator, Ko’in, came in to read stories to us about Valentine’s Day and where it came from…
After lunch we talked about all of the people (and animals) in our lives that we have love for! Then we sang our song about love! It goes like this…
Love is something if you
Give it away
Give it away
Give it away
Love is something if you
Give it away
You end up having more
Just like a magic penny
Hold on tight
and you won’t have any
Spend it
Lend it
You’ll have so many
They’ll roll all over the floooooooooor
Love is something if you
Give it away
Give it away
Give it away
Love is something if you
Give it away
You end up having more
Then we had a Valentine’s celebration where children passed out valentines they had made for each other!
There was so much love that even slow bro got a valentine!